
We've been framed

Well, it has begun, at least. The slab was poured on the 12th (yesterday) and the framing of the downstairs began today. It is incredible how fast this is going right now. Scott expects it to come to a screeching halt when some glitch inevitably pops up. For now, we are pleased that it is going smoothly and quickly. Enjoy.

The house slab is poured and is being smoothed out. Waiting on the final load of concrete for the garage.

The truck arrives.

Pouring the final load into the garage.

Front of the house looking head on into the front door.

Front corner of the house and garage.

Opposite corner of the house where the master bedroom is. Huge windows on both sides of the bedroom will provide a wonderful view. My super cool nephew, Gabriel, stands in one of the windows for scale.


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